Friday, December 28, 2007

Greetings from the River City

Happy Holidays everyone! I think I can speak for my fellow team-moms when I say we're all excited to be joining one of the SeeMommyRun race teams for 2008. The 5 of us bring a sort of running smorgasbord to the mix here--all of us with different backgrounds, different running speeds, different distance desires, etc. But, just like you, we're all moms (though with varying numbers of kids in our families!) and we all enjoy the chance to run!

Running has brought the 5 of us closer together through this past year--through injury and triumph. I personally had to drop out of training for a 25K earlier this year to don a lovely Storm Trooper Boot...aka an AirCast. Ever tried to run in one of those things? Not as easy as I'd hoped. I could run across a street to avoid getting hit by a car and that was about it. But I'm recovered now, and hoping to cross that finish line again this year for my second 25K (my first was in 2003). I'll admit I am nervous this time around--having been injured this year AND last--with stress fractures both years.

I'm excited to see how this goes--we're new to racing as a team, but we're all looking forward to the experience! Hopefully we will all at least learn from each other and all the other teams. But watch out, slow though I may be, I am competitive--even at a Tupperware party! Lol!

Looking forward to seeing you at the races. :)