Sunday, September 28, 2008

Running Alongside Everyone

Two and one half weeks post surgery. Not feeling too confident about ever running again. Pain in calf getting better, but I'm noticing the pain in my heel is pretty prevalent. The arch feels better, at least, but I'll rescind my adjective choice in the last post saying "amazing." ; ) Super, I'm sure, but if this has really done not-much-of-anything, I'll have to figure out what was worth it.

My friends are still running. Two Sole Sisters are gearing up for the Grand Rapids Marathon and Half Marathon--I'm sure they will post on their training soon. One Sole Sister is back into training for a 5K, and one just ran a 5K and set a PR for a run benefitting our local schools -- (great job, Chris!!!). Some other friends are figuring out their Garmins, running for local causes, triumphing over illness and still out there. I feel lost, lagging behind, too far removed from the trails.

Some silver lining--The Boot is off, so perhaps in a few weeks I'll be back at it. They gave me a 6-12 week timeframe (that seems pretty vague, doesn't it??), so we shall see. I hope the rest of you are keeping up the great work and training strong.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Amazing Dr. A

Surgery this week seems to have been the right choice. Though I'm in the healing process now, and I'm back in this stupid Storm Trooper Boot, the pain in my foot is miraculously gone. I'm still curious as to how exactly one lenghtens a muscle, but so far so good. I'm hoping January 1st will be my Running Renewal. 'Til then, I'm going through the recovery process with patience, though insanely bored with having to sit at long intervals with my foot up. Trying to get the kids to help out without complaining is wearing on me, but hopefully at the end of two weeks they'll get it--or they'll be drowning in dust and clutter.

Hope all of your races and running is going great--I'll still be at the races cheering you all on!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

No More Races for Me This Year

It appears my running days are done--for 2008, at least. I'm scheduled for surgery next week to lengthen the tendon in my left leg. I'm told I have the best doc around and that I should notice less pain in my foot almost immediately...we'll hope so! Physical therapy has helped with regaining strength (that I hadn't even realized I'd lost!), but it hasn't done anything for the pain I go through every day.

Thankfully, I got in three fun races for the year, but I am bummed to miss out on the great fall running weather and fun races ahead. The cooler weather is my favorite--autumn in Michigan cannot be beat in my book! In fact today is rainy and cold...and I am wishing I could go outside and run! Is there such a thing as REVERSE seasonal affective disorder? ; )

So through January, I will be there at the races still, but cheering on my Sole Sisters and complete strangers, as well. I know how great a little sideline support can be toward the end of a long race. Some runs are better than others, so when someone shouts out "You're doing an awesome job!" when I'm ready to throw out a curse word or two, I know it makes a difference in my mojo!