Friday, June 13, 2008

Don't ya just go out and run?

When I was on my way to the Riverbank Run (the 25k run for my SoleSisters and 5k for me) in May, I was driving two of my friends from another city that were also running the 5k. I started talking about my Running Sisters and how much more into running they are than I. One of my friends said astonished from the backseat, "Wait a minute. Don't ya just go out and run?" I said, "Well, I do. But they actually READ magazines about running, and books, and stuff. To try to run better." She was baffled about how someone could run better, and frankly, I really couldn't explain it to her. But during my run yesterday, I came up with an excellent analogy for her. Running is like golfing. Some people do go out and "just do it" with no consideration to form or performance. But like golfing, running has it's share of participants that want to learn to improve and feel strongly that everyone else doing the sport should be trying to improve also. Since she is a golfer (although I think casual golfer would best describe her) I thought this analogy would perfectly explain it to her. And then it hit me that it really explains it to me also, and that I am a casual runner. So now I can't wait to tell her the analogy so I can see the dawning of understanding on her face as she comprehends why some people do more than "just go out and run."

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