Thursday, August 21, 2008

Triathlons and Marathon training don't really go hand in hand.

Let's see, since June I have done a duathlon, 2 triathlons, and have been maintining my mileage for the GR Marathon. It was tough and confusing at times. But I think I am in pretty good shape right now to do just about anything. . .even wear my bikini! However, I will have to say that cross-training is only good to a point. Substituting a triathlon race is NOT a replacement for long runs 10 miles and up. At some point, the body just needs those long runs and a two hour workout of swim, bike, run doesn't cut it for a 13 mile run! I ran 13 miles last weekend after alternating tris and long runs for about a month. It wasn't the best long run I ever had except that it was flat and gorgeous scenery. I felt like my body hadn't done that in a while and it was like, hello---what are you doing??!! So, what I am learning is cross training is good to a point and running is still by far the best overall fitness one can get. It is good to use the others in recovery from an injury or to maintain fitness during off seasons, but it is NOT a replacement in times of tough training, i.e. a marathon. So, although I really, really, really want to do the last triathlon for this season in our area next month, I think I will just need to stick to the plan of an 18 miler that day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

PT, DXA, and MRI, Oh, my!

Well, I'm still on the mend...kinda starting to get me into a funk. My orthopaedic doctor doesn't think I have a "normal" case of plantar fasciitis. Fan-stinkin-tastic. So I got to have an MRI done of my foot to rule out the possibility of stress fractures still, got to have a bone density scan (I AM WAY TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!) to rule out early osteoporosis (and should all that milk guzzling and ice cream eating I have done for all my years keep my bones strong?), and now am in physical therapy to help strengthen the entire foot.

My therapist, Pam, is a hoot--thank goodness. Otherwise I think I would be giving her some stink-eye upon entering the office building twice a week. I end up leaving in more pain than what I had 24 hours prior, which I suppose means I am working the tendons and muscles that have so weakened over these past few months. I miss running so much, but I cannot imagine being able to get back out there. Hopefully I'm wrong!

In the meantime, I get to attempt biking for 5-10 minutes at a time, three times a day, on top of my other therapy. We will see. If anyone else is in the Injury Boat--know you are not alone, and that feeling in a funk about it is normal!