Wednesday, August 6, 2008

PT, DXA, and MRI, Oh, my!

Well, I'm still on the mend...kinda starting to get me into a funk. My orthopaedic doctor doesn't think I have a "normal" case of plantar fasciitis. Fan-stinkin-tastic. So I got to have an MRI done of my foot to rule out the possibility of stress fractures still, got to have a bone density scan (I AM WAY TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!) to rule out early osteoporosis (and should all that milk guzzling and ice cream eating I have done for all my years keep my bones strong?), and now am in physical therapy to help strengthen the entire foot.

My therapist, Pam, is a hoot--thank goodness. Otherwise I think I would be giving her some stink-eye upon entering the office building twice a week. I end up leaving in more pain than what I had 24 hours prior, which I suppose means I am working the tendons and muscles that have so weakened over these past few months. I miss running so much, but I cannot imagine being able to get back out there. Hopefully I'm wrong!

In the meantime, I get to attempt biking for 5-10 minutes at a time, three times a day, on top of my other therapy. We will see. If anyone else is in the Injury Boat--know you are not alone, and that feeling in a funk about it is normal!

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