Monday, March 31, 2008

Out Like a Lamb?

I've never really understood that whole "In like a lion, out like a lamb" thing. I don't think it holds true in Michigan. Cold is cold. It can still snow in April. We can still get an ice storm. This winter has been a trying one--record snowfall, ice, an occasional warm day just to wreak havoc on our sinuses.

We had our first race of the season on March 15. Chris, Jeanine, and I ran a local 5K. I have to say, the weather was quite perfect that day. Low 20s and sunny. Not like today--rain rain rain, but supposedly it will get up to 60 today. I've decided, however, I may not necessarily run the Irish Jig again. It seems to be a jinx for me. Four years in a row--2005--I ran with the flu, just because I couldn't get ahold of my running partner to tell her I had a fever of 102. 2006--that was the day I got a stress fx to the hip/foot. 2007--ran it w/ another stress fx to the foot--different spot. This year--developed heel pain. Am HOPING it is plantar fasciitis and not another $%&**@ stress fx. Am thankful for the bike to be able to cross-train.

Chris and Jeanine had great times for the 5K. Mine--30:06. I've defintely had better. It was hard to keep myself going slower--I'm "saving" myself for the 25K in May, and clearly fear injury -- with good reason.

I guess the only bright side is that it gives me a lot of space to improve, eh?

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