Wednesday, March 12, 2008


What a week! This past weekend my husband and I went on a short cruise -- a reward to him from his company for the crazy hours and work he puts in (and results, of course). I made sure to get in all the runs pre-vacation as well as on the cruise. Trying to run on a ship during a storm with high swells made for an interesting time! I chose the treadmill in the gym instead of the track, as I had a 8-9 mile run on schedule for my long run--and the track is only 1/11th of a mile. I sure as heck didn't want to have to keep track of 99+ times around! My husband offered to count for me...but I'm not sure I could have trusted his count as he sat there lounging, drink in hand. The ship would shift, thus making me shift on the treadmill--trying to stay on was a core workout in itself. But I did it! I worked out every day we were gone, and I made sure to only use the stairs and no elevator the whole time, too. Not one pound gained on the trip!

This coming weekend is our first race of the season--the Irish Jig 5K, with proceeds going to colorectal cancer research/awareness for a local hospital. This is one of my favorite races--very laid back, always cold, and the kick-off for many area runners for the local race season. Three of us Sole Sisters are running in it--along with some other friends of ours from a Moms' Group we are in. I can't wait! My biggest dilemma right now is what to wear and whether or not to still fit in a long run this weekend. This marks the weekend I tend to attract stress fractures, so I'm still on the fence with that one.

We'll drop a line next week to let you all know how we do! :)

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