Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's that time again!

Time to make a list of every bit of running gear I might need for the next year. If my husband buys it for Christmas gifts, it's ok to go through 4 pair of shoes..... Just buying a pair of Brooks any other time of the year is "excessive". :) Clearly, he is not a runner! Just wait until he learns that my Yak Trax need to be replaced and the zipper on my winter tights broke last Spring.

Lucky for him, I have reduced my mileage lately and am focusing on strength training until January. Then I will have to make the decision between the 25K race in May or maybe a Spring marathon. Both will require a lot of miles and a couple pair of those Brooks. Hmmmm....maybe I should make sure the wear testing program hasn't lost my email address. I could use another free pair to road test!!

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