Monday, December 8, 2008


Ok, not really ahhh. More like Blaaahhh. Winter has definitely set in here in Michigan, which means that I am officially not working out outside. I suppose I can't speak for the rest of my Sole Sisters, but this weather definitely puts a damper on my workout motivation. Maybe since I've posted before about my struggles to maintain a workout routine, it's becoming obvious that any excuse will do, and it just so happens that the weather is convenient right now. We've also discontinued our membership to the gym since the struggle to get my almost 3-year-old into the childcare proved too overwhelming (ergo, I wasn't going at all), so I have no place to run. That's ok though, because I think after a while I may miss running and by next Spring, when the training begins for the 5k season, I'll be ready. Or not. But ready or not, I will hop on the running wagon once again, even if it's only for the Spring/early Summer season that I seem to do every year. Something about the weather warming up to 60 degrees and the sun shining that makes me want to run, so I'm guessing I'll be out on those paths again for my "running season."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's that time again!

Time to make a list of every bit of running gear I might need for the next year. If my husband buys it for Christmas gifts, it's ok to go through 4 pair of shoes..... Just buying a pair of Brooks any other time of the year is "excessive". :) Clearly, he is not a runner! Just wait until he learns that my Yak Trax need to be replaced and the zipper on my winter tights broke last Spring.

Lucky for him, I have reduced my mileage lately and am focusing on strength training until January. Then I will have to make the decision between the 25K race in May or maybe a Spring marathon. Both will require a lot of miles and a couple pair of those Brooks. Hmmmm....maybe I should make sure the wear testing program hasn't lost my email address. I could use another free pair to road test!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Slow Season

It seems we've all slowed down here. I'm back in PT after surgery to lengthen a muscle in September. My arch feels so much better, but there is still a lot of strengthening to do in the foot and ankle. I can't even go up on my tiptoes, much less attempt a jog. Running up the stairs is amusing, to say the least. Good thing I've got quick reflexes to break the fall.

My teammates have been doing a great job--two ran races in October, but I'll let them post about those. I am so looking forward to running again--January seems so far away, but I know it will come quickly, and I'll feel like I'm a newbie all over again. Thank goodness I love to run in the cold weather, or I wouldn't even be looking forward to that. I'm hoping when I go back once again in January for the final post-op check-up, I get the go-ahead to hit the trails.

How is everyone else doing? Do other people feel the slow down this time of year? I know many states are still warm enough for race season to be going strong--Michigan has one or two left here in our area and then we get a little hiatus.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Still not there yet...

Well, I've made a few strides (or, more accurately, baby steps) toward working out again. I'm actually thinking about it now! lol! It's hard in this weather (in Michigan it's begun to turn very cold, if not almost wintery), so it's not an easy thought to have, to go outside and exercise. My husband and I have begun discussion on purchasing a piece of workout equipment and now we're just trying to decide which would be the best thing to get. I'm fairly certain that with a new elliptical or treadmill in my basement, I would be pretty excited to hop "back on the wagon." Or, at least, baby step onto the wagon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just can't get back into it

I'm having trouble lately getting back into a workout routine. After I ran my last 5k (where I set my personal best), I just haven't been feeling like running. Right afterwards, I put it down to being tired from the race, and after that it just seemed that it wasn't part of my routine anymore. It's so hard to get started again. Hopefully soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Running Alongside Everyone

Two and one half weeks post surgery. Not feeling too confident about ever running again. Pain in calf getting better, but I'm noticing the pain in my heel is pretty prevalent. The arch feels better, at least, but I'll rescind my adjective choice in the last post saying "amazing." ; ) Super, I'm sure, but if this has really done not-much-of-anything, I'll have to figure out what was worth it.

My friends are still running. Two Sole Sisters are gearing up for the Grand Rapids Marathon and Half Marathon--I'm sure they will post on their training soon. One Sole Sister is back into training for a 5K, and one just ran a 5K and set a PR for a run benefitting our local schools -- (great job, Chris!!!). Some other friends are figuring out their Garmins, running for local causes, triumphing over illness and still out there. I feel lost, lagging behind, too far removed from the trails.

Some silver lining--The Boot is off, so perhaps in a few weeks I'll be back at it. They gave me a 6-12 week timeframe (that seems pretty vague, doesn't it??), so we shall see. I hope the rest of you are keeping up the great work and training strong.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Amazing Dr. A

Surgery this week seems to have been the right choice. Though I'm in the healing process now, and I'm back in this stupid Storm Trooper Boot, the pain in my foot is miraculously gone. I'm still curious as to how exactly one lenghtens a muscle, but so far so good. I'm hoping January 1st will be my Running Renewal. 'Til then, I'm going through the recovery process with patience, though insanely bored with having to sit at long intervals with my foot up. Trying to get the kids to help out without complaining is wearing on me, but hopefully at the end of two weeks they'll get it--or they'll be drowning in dust and clutter.

Hope all of your races and running is going great--I'll still be at the races cheering you all on!